

6 Clear Signs You Should Relocate Your Family


Have you been casually tossing around the idea of picking up and relocating your family? Are you hesitating because you aren’t sure if it would be the right thing to do? Let me be the first to tell you that you are far from alone in that! As a Realtor that specializes in helping relocating families move to Mount Pleasant, I can tell you first hand that there are a lot of reasons why people choose to relocate but here are the most logical.

1. You Know Your Kids Are Not Getting The Education They Deserve

As a parent, one of your biggest responsibilities is to empower your children and their future with education. Many people buy homes long before they have children and by the time their kids get into school, they begin to feel stuck and frustrated. While schools shouldn’t be the only reason you decide to relocate, they are an important factor. I suggest you either rent out your current home or sell it and purchase in a place where you can get great bang for your buck as well as access to better schools.

2. You Are Ready For A Better Lifestyle

If there is one thing that came out of the pandemic, it is millions of people realising they have really outgrown their homes. I am so excited to see that more and more people aren’t buying their homes just based on the beds and baths but rather on the type of lifestyle that the home will afford. For example, many people buy homes here in Mount Pleasant because they want to live a healthy lifestyle, enjoy the water and love golf. So if your current home is not affording you the lifestyle you want to live, you may want to relocate. Life is short after all.

3. You Want To Be Closer To Family

I’ll say it again, life is short and what could be more important than family? If you have been living far away from those you hold most dear and want to start making up for lost time, it may just be in your best interest to relocate. Even if it would be financially uncomfortable, you can always make more money but you can never get back time you would have had making memories with your loved ones.

4. There Are Better Occupational Opportunities

Sometimes we wind up in cities that simply don’t have much in the way of opportunity for our chosen career path. I think it is sad to see so many people who have placed themselves under a mountain of student loan debt just to wake up and realize that they are living somewhere that has a definite ceiling on their growth and income potential. You deserve to do what you love and earn a livable wage while doing it so if your current town is holding you back professionally, it might be time to move on and move up.

5. The Local Economy Isn’t In Your Best Interest

Another big financial factor to consider is the local economy. Don’t get me wrong, every economy will experience ups and downs. However, there are some cities that are so rank with corruption that it is nearly impossible to flourish. If you can honestly say that there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight for your local economy to recover, it might be time to get out of there.

6. You Have Outgrown Where You Currently Live

Last but not least, sometimes we outgrow the place where we live. I think this is more common with people that stay in the town where they went to college after they graduate or even the town where they grow up. While there is certainly nothing wrong with that, there are times where that really isn’t in your best interest. So if you feel like you would be a better version of yourself if you lived elsewhere, it might be time to stick that for sale sign in the yard my friend.

Planning To Move To Mount Pleasant?

Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your very wise decision to move to Mount Pleasant! Our sunny little lowcountry suburb is safe, fun, and the perfect place to raise a family. If you need help finding the perfect Mount Pleasant home for your family to grow into, give me a call today and I will assemble a shortlist of available properties that meet your needs. Already have a home here? Be sure to subscribe to my blog for more weekly tips on how to make the most of your life in and around Mount Pleasant.